June 1st, 2016

Today was a busy day at work in preparation for the Lunch and Learn event tomorrow, but it was also very exciting because we got to participate in a TEAN cultural event and attend the State of Origin Game. The two teams were New South Wales and Queensland. I had expected rugby to be very similar to football but boy was I wrong. Don’t get me wrong the game was very exciting, but also very confusing. I spent about 20 minutes trying to full understand the concept. The conclusion I came to is there are 2 halves each 40 minutes long, there is no announcement on what down it is or commentators talking. The sport is a combination of soccer, football, and basketball if we compare it to American sports. It is a very rough game and is taken very seriously in Australia. Unfortunately New South Wales lost and Queensland moved on to the next round, but it was a very close and exiting game. Once the game was over, we took the train home and now I am off to bed!


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